how to play guidehere
Yuki Miyazawa
3rd class Hitotsubashi University
Research on next-generation human capital at OVER20 Data Bank Research Institute "OVER20 INITIATIVE OCEAN"
▶︎ Yuki's interviewhere
Professional Mentor
Since 1988, he has been practicing mentoring (including coaching and counseling) in Japan in order to disseminate in Japan the mentoring know-how that American companies have adopted since the 1970s. Reproduced for Japan and devised a unique method "OVER20 INITIATIVE"
Tatsuya Itoi
Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. In 2022, he became co-representative of OVER20&Company.
Shota Takeuchi
OT Community Registered Mentor
After graduating from Keio University in 2015, joined NTT Communications. After that, he worked at SAP, the world's largest software company headquartered in Germany.
Rumi Odo
OT Community Registered Mentor
After graduating from Williams College, he continued his career at Morgan Stanley and Citibank, and currently serves as Chief Compliance Officer at an American asset management company. operate as